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了解你的成绩登录到 My澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载自助服务中心.


The formula for computing your Grade Point Average is as follows:

  • Multiply the number of credits for each course completed by the grade points (from chart below) earned for that course. For example, if you earned a B- in a 3 credit course the result for that course is 3 x 2.7 = 8.1
  • Repeat for all courses completed with an A through F grade. 计算结果.
  • Divide the total by the total of credits received for courses with A through F grades. 这是你的GPA.


  • A (4.0): 优秀的,表现出卓越的能力.
    • 一种超越表象的能力, 创新地运用原则, 并将理论概念与日常生活联系起来. Resulting insights are often personal and illuminating.
    • A capacity to develop ideas flexibly and fluently, yet with control and purpose.
  • A- (3.7): 优秀的,表现出卓越的能力.
    • 一种超越表象的能力, 创新地运用原则, 并将理论概念与日常生活联系起来. Resulting insights are often personal and illuminating.
    • A capacity to develop ideas flexibly and fluently, yet with control and purpose.
  • B+ (3.3): 高于平均水平,表现出能力.
    • An ability to absorb ideas and experience in understanding concepts and principles and to interpret them meaningfully in a context of the student's own conceptions.
    • A capacity to develop an idea with a clear sense of order.
  • B (3.0): 高于平均水平,表现出能力.
    • An ability to absorb ideas and experience in understanding concepts and principles and to interpret them meaningfully in a context of the student's own conceptions.
    • A capacity to develop an idea with a clear sense of order.
  • B- (2.7): 高于平均水平,表现出能力.
    • An ability to absorb ideas and experience in understanding concepts and principles and to interpret them meaningfully in a context of the student's own conceptions.
    • A capacity to develop an idea with a clear sense of order.
  • C+ (2.3): 平均,表明有能力.
    • 对概念和原理有满意的理解.
    • Applications of classroom-based learning often lacks depth and insight.
  • C (2.0): 平均,表明有能力.
    • 对概念和原理有满意的理解.
    • Applications of classroom-based learning often lacks depth and insight.
  • C- (1.7): 平均,表明有能力.
    • 对概念和原理有满意的理解.
    • Applications of classroom-based learning often lacks depth and insight.
  • D+ (1.3): 低于平均水平意味着不称职.
    • 经常不能表达自己的能力.
    • 对主题的理解有限.
    • A lack of commitment or failure to follow instructions.
  • D (1.0): 低于平均水平意味着不称职.
    • 经常不能表达自己的能力.
    • 对主题的理解有限.
    • A lack of commitment or failure to follow instructions.
  • D- (0.7): 低于平均水平意味着不称职.
    • 经常不能表达自己的能力.
    • 对主题的理解有限.
    • A lack of commitment or failure to follow instructions.
  • F (0.0): 失败,表明无能.
    • Work has failed to meet the minimum requirement for the course.
    • Student may not be adequately prepared for the courses which follow.
  • P (N / A):
    • The “P” is a passing grade, signifying a grade of C- or higher. This grade can be used as an elective for certain degree programs. 因为它不会累积分数, it won’t reflect a change in the cumulative Grade Point Average on a transcript.
  • (N / A):
    • The Satisfactory grade indicates that a student earned a C- or above in the completion of course objectives. The “S” grade is not computed in the grade point average.
  • U (N / A):
    • The Unsatisfactory grade indicates that a student earned a D+ or below in the completion of course objectives. The “U” grade is not computed in the grade point average.
  • 我(N / A):
    • 你可能会收到一份“我”的期末报告,或不完整, if you have completed at least 3/4 of the course with a grade of “C” or better, 但由于正当理由无法完成课程. You must arrange for the incomplete with your instructor and complete Fall courses by March 15 or Spring/Summer courses by October 15. 不这样做将导致“F”的成绩.
  • W (N / A):
    • 你可以选择 放弃一门课程 在课程的60%过去之前, which will result in your receiving a “W“ grade if it is after the 100% refund deadline. The “W“ is not used in computing your cumulative grade-point average; however, the “W“ grade will appear on your permanent transcript. It is your responsibility to withdraw formally from a course. If you do not complete a course and failed to officially withdraw, 你会自动得到一个F.

      Veterans and any other students receiving financial aid who withdraw from classes may experience penalties, and may be required to repay part or all of the benefits received for that course. 如果您正在考虑更改注册, 你应先征询环保署署长的意见 学生财务服务.
  • 广告(N / A):
    • This indicates a course for which you will receive neither credit nor a grade.
  • NR (N / A):
    • This is a temporary grade indicating that it has not yet been submitted by faculty.


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每学期, students whose academic performance meets all of the following criteria are honored for their performance with a personal letter. 这一区别是在成绩单上公布的:

  • 申报的专业
  • A 3.50 to 4.平均成绩0分
  • Confirmed enrollment for 12 or more credits [pass/withdraw, 发展(复习), 或不包括社区服务课程]
  • 没有“I”(不完整)分数.





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